Weight Management

NARAN Sri’s This week Chanting

End of the trouble of thy wandering thoughts

Close to the journeying of thy pilgrim soul.

Book eleven Canto one of Savitri.

The Supreme Divine (the Eternal) spoke to Savitri at the culmination of her soul’s journey.
In this canto, Savitri reaches her final ascent, meets the Supreme, and attains ultimate liberation.
She does not accept this final liberation for herself alone but chooses to return to Earth to uplift and transform human life.
These lines are not just about personal liberation but also about the choice to transcend suffering while still engaging in the divine work of transformation.

Life situations

  1. For Mental Peace & End of Turmoil
    When the mind is restless with doubt, confusion, or suffering, these words remind
    us that a higher divine force can end the turmoil of thoughts and wandering
    emotions by bringing absolute inner stillness.
    Use them when someone struggles with overthinking, anxiety, or seeking direction
    in life.
  2. For Completing Karmic Cycles & Ending Past Burdens
    When someone is trapped in karmic cycles, repeating the same mistakes or
    suffering, these words affirm that the soul’s journey is reaching completion.
    Use them to close karmic debts, end toxic patterns, or liberate oneself
    from past burdens.

Create a protective shield

Visualize a sphere of golden-white light descending from Divine Mother and Sri Aurobindo filling up your aura, chakras and your entire self.

“I am open only to Divine light, love and Force. ”

Chant the Savitri line
My light shall be in thee, my strength thy force. 3 times.

Felt Divine guidance and support throughout 18hrs labor pain

Dr. Selvapriya shared her recent experience

Divine Grace.

Blessed with girl baby.

Wanted to convey my gratitude to Naran Sri and Irene mam for all the support and guidance mam.

Mam, I won’t tolerate even my normal periods pain mam. But I was consistently using Naran Sri’s

Bach Flowers meditation audios throughout pregnancy.

I was chanting vigorously Shankaraya Mayaskaraya mantra in labor ward for 18 hours mam and I could bear the pain with full divine guidance mam.

I could feel strong and powerful support mam after 18 hours I wasn’t exhausted and delivered by normal delivery mam.

Wanted to inform Naran Sri with loads of gratitude of how I underwent the pain and delivered through normal delivery all by god’s grace and sirs blog helped me a lot.

How to clean a crystal ring?

In conversation with Naran Sri

Can you please tell me how to clean a crystal ring (For example, the Golden Topaz or Diamond ring) and what solution should I dip it in?

Keep the Topaz or Diamond for 24 hours on the picture of the Mother, praying Mother purify this stone make it suitable for my progress and put it in my finger.
After 24 hours wear it. Don’t encourage any confusion.

Things are going bad/My bad time

When one says, things are going bad for me give Gentian (Bach flower remedy).

But when one says, this is my bad time give Pine (Bach flower remedy).

For any addiction

Give the gem remedies Amethyst, Blue Sapphire, Emerald combination along with Walnut (Bach Flower remedy).

To stop dowry harassment

Take the Gem remedy pills – Pearl & Yellow sapphire.

In addition to taking pills, keep the gem pictures under the pillow and when talking with groom party.

Dosage 2 pills each three times till the marriage is over

Naran Sri’s This Week Chanting

The dire universal shadow disappeared

To reduce excess weight or fat


Tiny divine light change

When you are searching for a house or a place for rent.


Mimulus find divine new house now

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